What You Need to Know About the Changing Landscape of Voice Technology

This is the Voice Revolution, and it will allow all of us to start dynamic conversations from anywhere using search. An amazing opportunity to attract customers and sell, as well as better serve clients and improve efficiency. Read on to learn how Voice can help your brand.


The New Voice Search: An Overview

Google has combined its traditional search engine with the popular Google Assistant, allowing users to start conversations using search. This is the most important change the technology giant has ever made, and it will change our relationship with the Internet forever.

Today, businesses can easily organize and publish content online. With the new world of Voice, they will have the opportunity to claim their space in the form of conversations.

Google’s rollout of the new Voice Search began with the Pixel 4 in the US and Android in the UK. Canada and Singapore followed. Google now plans to expand the new Voice Search to iOS and the global market.

The change has already begun, but will take a couple of years to roll out. This is because Google needs to ensure a business model that produces additional revenue without cannibalizing its income from traditional search and advertising. Businesses have a grace period to adapt to the new era of Voice, but they need to start now.

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Why Customers are Gravitating to Voice

In today’s fast-paced world, people know what they want, and expect to get it right away. Voice has thrived in recent years because it provides instant gratification.

Those looking for services online love Voice. When utilized and personalized by a business, it can provide specific, instant answers to customers and potential customers. Rather than sifting through search results and websites for answers, users simply ask a question and receive the right answer in an instant.

Convenience is paramount when users’ hands are busy. They could be on the move, loaded down with packages or with their hands in their pockets due to cold weather. Some need an instant answer while driving. Others are at home, performing tasks like cooking or cleaning - or simply relaxing on the sofa. Through in-home IoT devices or any mobile phone Voice makes it possible for these people to have full conversations with the Internet, anywhere and in any situation.


Why it’s Important to Position your Brand Now

Your business has likely already published relevant content through websites and social media. With Voice, your content takes the form of answers that, when combined with user interactions, produce a humanlike, dynamic conversation.

As with any emerging or rapidly-changing channel, establishing a strong presence in Voice is crucial for your brand. The goal is to remove any barriers to potential customers discovering your brand, understanding your offerings, and most importantly, making a purchase.

Like all automated communication, Voice provides improved efficiency and service, eliminating the need to respond to all inquiries individually. Managing most questions via Automated Conversational Search reduces calls and emails, along with the costs associated with them. 

Voice is also a valuable tool for tracking customer mindset. You’ll be able to see what searchers are asking about your brand in real time. This helps identify areas for improvement on your website, and your offerings overall.

For hotels, Voice enables a unique opportunity to bypass OTAs. Automated Voice answers direct searchers right to the hotel website when they inquire about booking.


Endless Applications: Sales and Marketing

Automated Answers for Conversational Search 

With automated answers linked to voice, customers and potential customers can get the information they need by asking their cell phone or any Voice Assistant. This provides the convenience mentioned above, and provides instant answers to consumers where they’re asking the questions.

Conversational Commerce

Hands-free is the new way to buy, and potential customers are looking for brands that have this ability. This means ordering groceries while cooking dinner, or refilling a prescription while driving to work.

It’s important that Conversational Commerce be intuitive and secure. That’s why Ameniti has created our solution using years of Natural Language processing experience. When an order has been completed using voice, Ameniti automatically sends an SMS for confirmation and secure payment.

Cross-channel Integration: Voice to Email and SMS

Not everything makes sense to do over voice alone. Integrations with other channels make communication seamless and straightforward. This allows you to meet customers on voice, where they’re already searching, and divert them to other channels such as email or SMS. An integration also means the potential to send coupons and promotions to those interested in your services.


Endless Applications: Hotels and Buildings

The Hospitality Industry

There are endless possibilities for harnessing Voice within the Hospitality Industry. For example, hotel staff are able to talk to an in-room assistant to create a ticket (i.e. if the shower isn’t working, a housekeeper can make a request for it to be fixed in seconds). 

Building Management

Voice also has enormous implications for building management. At a rental property, a super or staff member can report to management that a task is complete without lifting a finger.

Automated IoT integration

IoT Assistants are everywhere now, as consumers have embraced the ability to adjust thermostats, lights, electronics and more. The ability to control any connected device through voice using a phone or the device itself is a powerful thing for both comfort and cost reduction. This is true in hotels, buildings and at home.


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